Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Let the Good Times Roll... FOR SCIENCE!!!

Traditionally, I put up a blog post to commemorate Mardi Gras every year. This Fat Tuesday, I'll be heading down to Brooklyn for this month's Secret Science Club lecture. Here's a whole concert of green beans music by musical stalwart Stanley "Buckwheat Zydeco" Dural

The concert is about as long as the typical journey from my door in Yonkers to the door of the beautiful Bell House in Brooklyn. I imagine that any accordion players on the subway will be Mexican buskers, but that's cool, Mexico has a vibrant Carnival culture of its own.

Laissez le Bon Temps Rouler... POUR SCIENCE!!!


  1. So what are you swearing off for Lent?

  2. I'm swearing off Lent for Lent.

    I've used that one many times meself, B^4.

  3. I'm just swearing.

    Sometimes, you just have to fall back on the cuss words.

    I've used that one many times meself, B^4.

    Might as well stick with the classics!
