Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mullah Joe-mar Issues a Fatwah

It's been a while since I've lambasted former congresscreep Joe Walsh, but I have to note that the guy has a serious case of fatwah envy. Here's Mullah Joe-mar wishing death on the infidels:

Let's hope that when the Islamists next strike they first behead the appeasing cowards at CNN, MSNBC, etal who refused to show the cartoons.

Yeah, Joe, not showing the offensive cartoons should be a capital (literally) crime.

Joe Walsh isn't the only righty with a "dead liberals" fantasy... National Review's Chuck Cooke gushed about the prospect of snarky liberals being massacred:

America’s Provocateurs Are at the Mercy of the Barbarians

The most likely targets of Islamist wrath are in the cities with the most restrictive gun laws.

... Taken together, Washington, D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles host almost all of the more controversial media personalities in America; and, taken together, these cities have some of the worst self-defense laws in the country. Had Charlie Hebdo been an American publication, it would most likely have been located in Brooklyn or in Silver Lake or in Columbia Heights -- positioned, in other words, in precisely the sort of place in which attacks on its employees would have been most likely to succeed. This, as the French might say, is “absurde.”

Sorry, Chucky, we don't need some pistol-packing 'bagger savior to defend us- hell, we consider those people more of a threat... and besides, all those Oklahoma guns didn't save Oklahomans when a small government conservative white guy launched a terror attack.

Sorry, people, we're just not afraid, and you won't get to live out your "Someday, you'll need me and I won't help you and you'll be sorry" dream. Simply put, we don't need you guys. Your old hero didn't keep us safe on 9/11/2001, and he "avenged" us by attacking the wrong people. We're just not that into you guys (and I mean guys), and we really wish you would stop fantasizing about our corpses.


  1. Wow. How many points can you miss in one piece?

    Dood, these idiots are idiots. Why do you subject yourself to their drooling idiocy?

    Here's my suggestion, Mr. Bastard. You're smart, and your heart is in the right place. Just accept that there is a portion of the American electorate that is totally batshit insane, and stop paying attention to them. They aren't listening to you - they hate you and actively wish for harm to come to you - and they are not reachable with any kind of logic or persuasion.

    If people can be reached, it is people who are capable of agreeing to a basic preliminary set of facts. As soon as you discover that you're reading/talking to someone who is incapable of seeing the world as the world actually is, you should seriously consider just walking away....

  2. Is there any tragedy the pro gun paranoid idiots won't use to push their agenda? What do they want, all journos to sit in their offices with guns strapped on? A very worrying thought, Fox News reporters with guns.

    I would just like to reassure you that Birmingham in the U.K. is not a Muslim 'caliphate' where non Muslim do not go, and Sharia law is not being enforced on the streets of London as reported by Fox news.

  3. Dood, these idiots are idiots. Why do you subject yourself to their drooling idiocy?

    The idiot in question was a United States representative. He was backed by big money interests. Also, for me the snark is paramount, can't pass up an opportunity to snark.

    Is there any tragedy the pro gun paranoid idiots won't use to push their agenda? What do they want, all journos to sit in their offices with guns strapped on? A very worrying thought, Fox News reporters with guns.

    The NRA is a lobbying group for the gun manufacturers- it's really no more than one l-o-n-g sales pitch.

    Sad thing, mikey: The idiots are winning.

    And at precisely the moment when we need some smart leadership. Our descendents will curse us.
