Monday, December 22, 2014

Sorry Righties, He's Yours!

Roy has a good dissection of the right-wing's attempt to pin the blame for the assassination of two NYPD officers on President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and NYC Mayor DeBlasio. In yesterday's press conference with NYC's Chief Detective, a different narrative emerged... piecing together evidence from the shooter's social media revealed that the shooter was motivated by anti-government sentiments:

Sorry, righties, he's one of yours, just like your patron saint.


  1. NYPD Union President Patrick Lynch Is Completely Nuts: A History

  2. Unpossible. He was blah...

    But... but... CLARENCE THOMAS!!!

    NYPD Union President Patrick Lynch Is Completely Nuts: A History

    Yeah, he's not a good faith player. There's been a lot of anti-DeBlasio idiocy, claims that he's "anti-cop", with no specific quotes to back it up.

    Hell, the media is characterizing the protests as anti-police rather than anti-police brutality.

    We need better cops and a better media.
