Sunday, August 24, 2014

CNN, Now a "Dudebro" Comedy Channel

It's official, CNN has become a comedy channel with its story characterizing broken wine bottles in Napa as "heartbreaking". Being someone who... uh... occasionally likes to indulge in an alcoholic beverage, I've made goofy jokes like "every drop spilled is alcohol abuse" and the like- but I'm not a goddamn television news network. Here's the quote from CNN anchor, regarding an image of broken wine bottles:

"It's heartbreaking to see that image, especially if you are a wine lover. But also knowing that this impacts your livelihood."

There's a place for comments like this, or jokes about topers cutting their tongues while "salvaging" the wine from the cellar floors, but it's not on the goddamn 24/7 news network.


  1. I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you. You mean to tell me there are fatuous, shallow news anchors on cable tv? Who woulda' thunk it?

  2. The damage to the historic buildings is heartbreaking. The work of tidying up the cellars full of rolling barrels is backbreaking. That it happened before the early shift clocked in is lucky, indeed. Here in Santa Rosa, one valley West, it was an interesting ride. I'm sure glad there is no annual earthquake season. The bad joke I came up with is that the ennui was disturbed but the nihilism remains intact. Philosophers are not noted for knee-slappers.

  3. Note that Bouffant and I are also heartbroken, but for rather different reasons...
