Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

It's astounding (time is fleeting) how quickly 2013 passed. Once again, though, I have a sinking feeling that it was yet another "lost" year... Marked by stagnation and obstruction. Another continuation of the "noughts" brought to you by a political party that thinks it is more important to spite the first black president than it is to move the country forward. I sure hope that 2014 is a better year, but it will entail a lot of work. November will soon be upon us.

As a side note, this last post of the year is the first I've composed on my phone. I don't think it will become a trend with me, but it's nice to know that I can use my phone to do more than watch porn.

Happy New Year, everybody!


  1. Impressive. I HATE trying to type on that little screen. For anything more than texting and Facebook comments I wait til I have a keyboard.

    I'm (shocking, I know) not optimistic in the least for 2014. The whole edifice is so corrupt, so dysfunctional and so unsustainable, but the way America works it will take a monumental catastrophe to force any actual change in the system. And who wants to root for a monumental catastrophe (except Bouffant, of course)?

    Anyway, happy new year. Have a flagon and think pleasant thoughts...

  2. Last line...Hahaha

    Found you on Going Gently.

  3. There is porn about watches?? Rule 34, I suppose.
    Happy new beer yourself.

  4. you ought nought should and could.

  5. I sure hope that 2014 is a better year, but it will entail a lot of work.

    Eh, what's new. I'm in...

    Doing bloggerism on my phone is a recipe for heartburn.

    Happy New Year bubba!

  6. Happy new year!
    haha what else can you do with your phone

  7. Impressive. I HATE trying to type on that little screen. For anything more than texting and Facebook comments I wait til I have a keyboard.

    Especially for a guy with fingers like mine!


    Happy New Hebrides, as well!

    Last line...Hahaha

    The whole "watching porn on your phone" thing started out as a complaint about the 21st century- we don't have flying cars or bubble cities on the moon, but we have phones you can watch porn on.

    Found you on Going Gently.

    Cool, John's a great guy! Thanks for stopping by.

    There is porn about watches?? Rule 34, I suppose.

    There's porn about dragons getting freaky with cars... so yes!

    Happy new beer yourself.

    Same to brew!

    you ought nought should and could.

    Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh!

    Happy New Year bubba!

    Right back atcha, bud!

    Happy new year!
    haha what else can you do with your phone

    Make an occasional phone call... Happy New Year, Mr Durian!

    Madness takes its toll.

    I'm in the express lane.

    First fuckin' crank call of 2014.

    Had to start sometime.
