Sunday, April 28, 2013

Nympharium Privileges are Suspended!

The redoubtable Smut Clyde reminds me that today is International Act Like a Jack Vance Character Day, therefore, until the comments exhibit a welter of excellences, nympharium privileges will be suspended! Certainly, a nuncupatory lustration will remove the odium of obloquy from my obstreperous audience.

Let all weave a phantasmagoria of prosody, a scintilla of syllables by which we may overawe the mooncalves and churls. Let us eschew the the vapid mannerisms of pale people and concoct a linguistic farrago most piquant!


  1. gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh. The trombones crunched redgold under my bed, and behind my gulliver the trumpets three-wise silverflamed, and there by the door the timps rolling through my guts and out again crunched like candy thunder. Oh, it was wonder of wonders. And then, a bird of like rarest spun heavenmetal, or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now, came the violin solo above all the other strings, and those strings were like a cage of silk round my bed. Then flute and oboe bored, like worms of like platinum, into the thick thick toffee gold and silver. I was in such bliss, my brothers.

  2. Word

    This lack of verbosity would seem to indicate a saturnine disposition.

    gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh

    Listen, chelloveck, this is no place for Nadsat natterings!

  3. Sorry, but when I hear "mooncalf" it puts me in mind of W.C. Fields.

  4. Sorry, but when I hear "mooncalf" it puts me in mind of W.C. Fields.

    I'd wager that he was an inspiration to Mr Vance.

  5. Yikes! I went away for a moment to look at Patricia's profile, which lead to Menopausal Stoner, I come back here & there's a response. Whew. This world is just too fast for me.

  6. The phrase "sodomy by mulletfish" should come into it somewhere.

    Sounds more like something the boys in the Matachin Tower would get up to...

    This world is just too fast for me.

    Hey, now, there's always time for you here, old chum!

  7. Turns out the Tsaernev Mother is truly a whackjob. I regret giving her the benefit of the doubt previously. Anything I say from here on out may be similarly disregarded.

    I have Jack Vance on my iPad. Does that help?

  8. I have Jack Vance on my iPad. Does that help?

    Is it Jack playing ukulele and kazoo?

  9. I suspect he may be a member of the Mekons.

  10. In fact we are all members of the Mekons, just some of us don't know it.

  11. Fewmets and defenestrations! It was talk like a Jack Vance Character Day and I was uninformed of the felicitous celebrations! I spend yesterday running up a big hill when I could have been proceeding expeditiously heavenward on a precipitous incline. When everyone from the most lofty panjandrum to the merest caitiff was exhausting a years surplus of their superior sesquidipalian syllables, I was expressing myself in my customary Laconic fashion. I will enter the annual observation upon my chronometric schedulizing orrery, so that in a sidereal circuit of the solar orb I may participate with my customary enthusiasm and share equitably in the observation of this most rhodomontadical event.

  12. I suspect he may be a member of the Mekons.

    I'd bet folding money the Mekons are fans.

    In fact we are all members of the Mekons, just some of us don't know it. /Borges

    Does this mean we are eligible for royalties?

    Don't be silly, the Mekons draw the FUCKING LINE at New Zild.

    New Zealand is firmly under the foot of the tyrannical Finn brothers.

    Helmut Monotreme said..

    Helmut, your erudition is consummate, your Apollonian utterances are a panegyric to the potentialities of the authochthones of the telluric orb. Bravissimo!

    EXACTLY what i would have said!

    Thus and so, the estimable Mr Gray reveals himself as a man of taste and distinction.

  13. The NFL draft was this past few days, so I haz been distracted from the blogginghood.

  14. The NFL draft was this past few days, so I haz been distracted from the blogginghood.

    Which team will you be playing defensive lineman for?

  15. Does this mean we are eligible for royalties?

    Objection! Assumes earnings not in evidence.
