Thursday, March 28, 2013

In Like a Lion...

March is supposed to come in like a lion and leave like a lamb, but this March has been very cold in the Northeastern United States and much of Europe. Tonight, it's supposed to get down to 37 F (3 C)- the thick, hooded sweatshirt and multiple layers have not been retired yet.

Paradoxically, the cool local temperatures are most likely due to global warming- as Arctic ice melts, and the far northern latitudes warm up, the jet stream slows down and meanders, reducing the flow of warmer air from the Pacific Northwest into this particular geographical region. While global warming deniers would say, "Hur hur, it's cold in New York", they purposely ignore the.. uhhh... errrr... global extent of, you got it, global warming.

The BBC has good coverage of this phenomenon, which is likely to lead to tragic results in the north of the United Kingdom, with emotional repercussions being felt as far away as Ontario.

March came in like a lion, and it's leaving like a slightly less ferocious lion... but Al Gore is fat, amirite?


  1. Science, and the implications thereof, is hard. And can be willfully ignored for some amount of time greater than zero and less than disaster...

  2. Science, and the implications thereof, is hard. And can be willfully ignored for some amount of time greater than zero and less than disaster...

    I dunno, I think science is inherently interesting and, truth to tell, accessible to anyone who puts the effort into learning, and experimenting. It's a method of inquiry, not a bunch of pronouncements sent from on high. The problem is that people are lazy, and they tend to defer to "pundits" rather than looking for evidence.

    Yeah yeah, science is science.

    But money is money.

    The tragedy is that so few people will gain short term benefits to the detriment of much of the planet. I hope our cockroach successors make a better go of it than we do.

    Ohhhh you!!!

    I needed more Canadian content, and I figured you needed a break from people searching for Scaredy Squirrel porn.

  3. Hah. I made a Mekons post, and it had Automatic Canadian Content! Because I do not see national boundaries.

    Which, admittedly, has caused some kerfuffles at borders.

  4. Our son left London in a blinding snowstorm to come here to L.A. Where it's typical Southern California spring weather The UK is taking a real climate beating

  5. Hah. I made a Mekons post, and it had Automatic Canadian Content! Because I do not see national boundaries.

    Do you see boundary waters?

    Our son left London in a blinding snowstorm to come here to L.A. Where it's typical Southern California spring weather The UK is taking a real climate beating

    Glad to know he made it to LA safely. The story about the plight of the sheep herders of Scotland was very sad.
