Sunday, January 6, 2013

Three Kings Day

January 6 marks the Feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visitation of the Magi in Christian tradition... the day is also known as "Three Kings Day". As Aunt Snow so beautifully recounted, it's traditional to eat a special "King Cake" on this day, and the individual who finds the token (often a bean, a coin, or a plastic baby Jesus, has to buy next year's cake- I imagine choking on a plastic baby Jesus would be an ironic way to go...).

Anyway, it is believed that the Magi were Persian wise men, though it seems that wise men are pretty scarce in that region of the world these days. Anyway, since I'm not a devout person, I think I prefer this version of the tale of the visitiation of the Magi:


  1. Well, to be fair, these dudes essentially walked fifteen hundred kilometers to give expensive gifts to an indigent infant because they saw a bright star in the sky.

    So perhaps their title "wise men" is used ironically?

  2. Didn't we just spend $3 Trillion because Iraq was a mortal threat to the U.S.?

    People in grass houses, stowing thrones...

  3. Thank you for the link. I am sorry I didn't get my 3 kings cake this year!

  4. Let the record show that Persians do a pretty good job of training women in the sciences.
