Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Speaking of the "Memory Hole"...

Funny I should mention Orwell's memory hole in yesterday's post... From the Department of "You Can't Make this Shit Up", Mitch McConnell basically wants President Obama to forget the past four years:

“Every four years on Inauguration Day, America shows the world that our major political parties can disagree with civility and mutual respect. It is in this spirit that I congratulate President Obama on his inauguration to a second term and wish him well in the fulfillment of his duty to lead the U.S. at home and abroad over the next four years. The President’s second term represents a fresh start when it comes to dealing with the great challenges of our day; particularly, the transcendent challenge of unsustainable federal spending and debt. Republicans are eager to work with the President on achieving this common goal, and we firmly believe that divided government provides the perfect opportunity to do so. Together, there is much we can achieve.”

Christ, what an asshole... it wasn't too long ago that McConnell admitted that his number one priority was to make Barack Obama a one-term president. Having failed in that, he now wants to call a mulligan and have President Obama pretend that the shabby treatment he received from the Republican congresscreeps for the past four years never happened. For a party that seems to idolize the past, the GOP sure loves to shove things down the memory hole. Forget the elephant logo, the Republican emblem should be a goldfish.*

*The pedant in me has to note that the whole three-second memory stereotype is untrue, but I figured the joke is in keeping with popular perception so I ran with it... and promptly ran over it with my "explaining voice".

Cross-posted at Rumproast.


  1. So they want to ensure that he's a two-term President, now?

  2. I love how they always conflate unsustainable federal spending with social programs and not reckless tax cuts and war.

  3. He issued this statement at the very same time he sent out an email to his supporters, trying to scare them that President Obama wanted to grab their guns. The dishonesty and cynicism is palpable. McConnell has no moral center.

  4. He's been sending signals lately that he's decided preemptive capitulation was a failed strategy and they're worried they're not going to be able to roll him anymore. That would leave them in the unpleasant position of an unpopular minority opposition with an unpopular and destructive policy agenda.


  5. The President’s second term represents a fresh start when it comes to dealing with the great challenges of our day

    Imaginary debt ceilings and imaginary social security collapse?

  6. If McConnell of the CLoset has his way, the collapse of Social Security will not be imaginary.

  7. For a party that seems to idolize the past, the GOP sure loves to shove things down the memory hole.

    These two things do go together. The second preference facilitates the first.

  8. Have been wanting to respond to your posts at Rumproast, but by some ironic finger of fate the program is showing captchas which are quite clear to me yet denying that I typed them in properly. It's kind of mean. I did check and recheck, and yes I'm not crazy (on this account). Weird.

  9. Have been wanting to respond to your posts at Rumproast, but by some ironic finger of fate the program is showing captchas which are quite clear to me yet denying that I typed them in properly. It's kind of mean. I did check and recheck, and yes I'm not crazy (on this account). Weird.

    Always preview before you submit your comments- their commenting system is wonky.
