Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Putting the "Pan" in Pander

There are few things more hilarious than seeing a hypocrite caught out in a shameless pander, therefore, Paul Ryan's laughable attempt to look like he was helping out at a soup kitchen is side-splittingly funny (Mrs. Polly's hilarious "Blingee" captures the true awesomeness of this moment).

Please note the blindingly white, well-pressed apron worn by Congressman Ryan as he wastes volunteers' time and resources to "clean" already cleaned pans. Meanwhile, as Mrs. Polly notes, Ryan's budget slashes relief for the poor. Self-proclaimed Catholic boy Ryan played the Pharisee while faking a corporal act of mercy, but the nuns aren't fooled.

Yeah, this potsie pandering to this extent is pretty hilarious, or it would be if he weren't such an appalling sociopath.


  1. It's the thought...err photo opportunity that counts.

  2. When you think about it, the worst part is that it would have been so ridiculously simple to do it right. Have an advance team find the right facility, schedule a few hours, have the operational supervisor assign the politician a simple task worthy of a good photo, contribute a few grand to the cause, shake hands, smile and get back on the bus.

    It is only the supreme arrogance of these plutocrats and their lap dogs that caused even this simple act of campaign PR to go so badly off the rails...

  3. not necessarily, mikey. The director of the soup kitchen pointed out after the fact that they would have declined, because they depend on private donations and in order not to sour those, they are careful to stay away from anything that smacks of partisanship.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the campaign had contacted a couple of places, been turned down, and figured the stealth approach was somehow viable.

  4. B, I know you are busy as Hershel at an ass-kciking contest, but tonight Milwaukee Zombie faves Trapper Schoepp and Teh Shades are at some joint called the Rock Shop in Brooklyn, if you find yourself with nothing better to do:

    You're welcome.

  5. I wonder if he, you know, gave the soup kitchen ten bucks or anything.

  6. Fuck that is embarrassing even to a furryner such as me.

  7. because they depend on private donations and in order not to sour those, they are careful to stay away from anything that smacks of partisanship.

    Ah well. The photo-op may damage the charity's finances, but those hungry people will have the satisfaction of knowing that it was in a good cause.

  8. For those unfamiliar with Jerome Corsi's oeuvre, he is a senior writer for right-wing paranoid site World Net Daily, characterized by Salon's Alex Pareene as the biggest, dumbest wingnut site on the web

    Sooooooooooo, Alex has never heard of American Thinker or PJ Media?

  9. For those unfamiliar with Jerome Corsi's oeuvre....

    ...count your blessings and guard your ability to continue having hope for humanity.
