Sunday, September 23, 2012

Reflections on Upper Class Marriage

This post is inspired by two of my favorite humorists. The first of these humorists, Substance McGravitas left a comment on my blog regarding Ann Romney:

Also Ann Romney internal dialogue: "Is marrying scum so bad? I got a pony!"

The second of these humorists, Ogden Nash, was master of the short form poem:

Reflections on Ice-Breaking
by Ogden Nash

Is Dandy
But liquor
Is quicker.

Inspired by these two rapscallions, I hereby present, Reflections on Upper Class Marriage:

Wed a phony,
Get a pony.

Please, post any similar couplets that come to mind in the comments. Hilarity is sure to ensue.


  1. A young lady named Ann, raised quite toney
    Married a fabulous phony
    He thought he might be elected
    Though his soul was infected
    Though he lost - she got a pony

  2. Univision and
    the politics of division,
    Ayn and Ann,
    not brown skinned
    just tan

  3. Chucky got lucky,
    But Ann had a plan.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It might be bruited after fall
    Ann WAS a better choice than Paul.

    Two men together is WORNG.
