Monday, July 30, 2012

Queen: "We Are Not Amused" Bastard: "I Am Amused"

I finally got around to watching some of Danny Boyle's opening to the London Olympics with a co-worker who hails from Croydon (which is famous for its plastic surgery clinics). When the video got to the 1:40 mark, I doubled over in laughter as the intro and first line of God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols was played. Too bad they didn't play the whole song for QB2 (Monarchic Boogaloo):

"They made you a moron" may be a good excuse for Mitt's missteps in London. Sure, blame that old lady in Buckingham Palace for your misfortunes... you'll get the last laugh when she croaks and you baptise her so she can work for you as a scullion on Planet Kolob.

Also in the opening ceremony- a snippet of Pretty Vacant, accompanied by weird pogo-ing performers wearing giant mohawked puppet heads. Here's a nice rendition of the song, which was used as one of the sources for the mashup Ray of Gob:

Well played, Mr Boyle, you sick boy!


  1. Did they not play the whole thing, or was it just that NBC cut away?

    I recognized it immediately...

  2. I'm proud to say , I haven't watched even one second of anything Olympic related. :)

    Congratulations on the Promotion at work! That's awesome. :)


    P.S. Sorry I haven't been around too much. It's a busy summer with the kids. Things will get back to normal come September for me. :)

  3. I liked the part where they played the Tardis sound.
    Then, I turned it off.

  4. Did they not play the whole thing, or was it just that NBC cut away?

    Nah, they didn't play the whole thing- I don't think anyone involved had the cojones.

    Congratulations on the Promotion at work! That's awesome. :)

    Thanks, it came as a bit of a surprise, but I think things will go well.

    I liked the part where they played the Tardis sound.

    That's funny... I think you'd like paleo's joint.
