Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bat Dance

I am fortunate enough to work at some genuinely beautiful sites, and I get to see a lot of unusual things. Being bummed out by the general state of the world, I was able to find some solace around sundown.

I've always been enchanted by bats, ever since I was a small child. Well, as the sky was darkening, I noticed that an unusually large number of bats were flitting around the property. They weren't shy at all, often swooping close enough to me that I could hear the "whirring" of their wings. It was a really magical moment, especially considering all the mosquitoes they were devouring.

While I was enjoying the aerial dance of these cute chiropteran cutups, my friend and co-worker Fred was being driven... uh... batty by these unholy bird/mouse hybrids. Hilariously, I caught him jumping a couple of times, in an ambitious effort to catch one of these aeronauts. Poor thing, he was so out of his element.

What were you expecting? Huh?


  1. They don't make record players like that anymore.

  2. P.S. Fred's not so crazy...cats can catch bats. They just need to work at it.

  3. You thought we were just horrible dancers, but you know we are also horrible fighters!! HA HA!!

    I'm very disappointed that this entry is not about how the new Batman is secretly a conservative film.

  4. Also, bats are just mutant rats with wings. Geeeeee-ross.

  5. Yeah. People tell me all the time that Spiders are good 'cause they eat all the bad insects, but I feel threatened and creeped out by them so that's just not good enough.

    But bats? Hell yeah. Silently vacuuming up the mosquitoes and such as at night, they are among my favorite critters...

  6. Bats are wonderful! I met one in my dorm in Germany. My roomate was freaking out and trying to hit it. Since we were both in a mobile radar unit, and bat senses are common knowledge, she knew better; but kept swinging at it anyway. And screaming. I remember the little fella. He was adorable.

    Robin's chicken-legs always crack me up. Have you ever seen an action hero that looked more muscle-less?

  7. When I went to Carlsbad Caverns I stayed in my car in the parking lot. At sunrise thousands of bats drop into the cave, and because they can plunge pretty far they each make this cool whiffing noise.

  8. There is an apocryphal story in our family. We lived closer to the downtown in the little burb I grew up in, in an older house. When I was a wee tyke, I was playing in some old boxes on the upper floor, and turning one over, a bat flew out. It scared the bejabbers out of me so much, that the entire house freaked me out and my parents had to move. Well, that was their story and they did stick to it.

    years later, in the new house, a bat managed to work its way down the chimney flue and started freaking out it's own self, flying around trying to find a way out. The flue was not visible to him as an exit, so Mom and kids were having lovely hysterics, and my Dad grabbed a badminton racket, and used it to beat the bat senseless, then he took it and disposed of it, becoming Family Hero.

    Nowadays, I put a bat house up on our house, but I do not think anybody has taken up residence yet. Perhaps bats just hate zombies? For our part, zombies do not hate bats.

    Unless, of course, it is a vampire doing their batty cosplay. Those dudes are freaks.

  9. Also, the Mad Hatter with his pop up Freaky Eyes just scared the hell out of me as a kid.

  10. I have a similar story to Zrm's. My Mother beat the absolute shit out of a bat that had fallen asleep on our screen door.

    Yikes. :)


  11. They don't make record players like that anymore.

    "Play some music... BAT music!" is a classic line.

    P.S. Fred's not so crazy...cats can catch bats. They just need to work at it.

    Gotta dream big!

    You thought we were just horrible dancers, but you know we are also horrible fighters!! HA HA!!

    "Never give a sword to someone who can't dance."

    Also, bats are just mutant rats with wings. Geeeeee-ross.

    Watch it, you!

    But bats? Hell yeah. Silently vacuuming up the mosquitoes and such as at night, they are among my favorite critters...

    Gotta love them, the fact that they use "sonar" to perceive their environment only makes them cooler.

    Robin's chicken-legs always crack me up. Have you ever seen an action hero that looked more muscle-less?

    I've never really contemplated Robin's gams.

    At sunrise thousands of bats drop into the cave, and because they can plunge pretty far they each make this cool whiffing noise.

    That must have been awe inspiring. I visited Carlsbad in the late winter, while the bats were overwintering in Mexico.

    Well, that was their story and they did stick to it.

    Sure, blame the little kid!

    Also, the Mad Hatter with his pop up Freaky Eyes just scared the hell out of me as a kid.

    There was a creepy, Dada-ist vibe to those old Batman episodes. Gotta love them.

    My Mother beat the absolute shit out of a bat that had fallen asleep on our screen door.

    Beat on the bat!

    Laura, the moral is: Do not fuck with a Mother.

    Unless you're a motherfucker.
