Thursday, May 31, 2012

Seeking Government Employment

This week, from the Department of What the Fuck? we have a news item about a guy who disdains government jobs who is, wait for it, seeking a government job:

He wants to "send those government workers back home" (as if they didn't work in the communities in which they live and pay taxes), yet he wants to enter the government payroll and move into government housing.

Romney's dumbass soundbyte is in the tradition of dumbass demagoguery that is the Reagan legacy:

Shit, I'm starting to think that it's the toxic mixture of Grecian Formula and Brylcreem that's rotted the brains of these helmet-haired hucksters.

Hmmm... the Wikiwakiwoo says that lead acetate is still used in hair dyes. I think I may be onto something.


  1. Well, we're both safe. I'm never coloring my lovely hair.

    R-money is shaping up to be worse than Bush. Certainly more shameless.

  2. R-money is shaping up to be worse than Bush. Certainly more shameless.

    I don't think he'd be as bad a president, but he's the perfect example of an empty suit. There's no center, moral or otherwise, to Mitt.

  3. He's a Reptiloid from another galaxy.

    Not a Dero from deep under the surface of the Earth?

  4. I've really got to throw these doughnuts out, so I can go and buy some more doughnuts!

    I get what he's saying. ;)

    He is a handsome man though and just think of all the awesome jokes you'll be able to make at his expense for the next 4 years.

    It will be a golden time for bloggers. :)


  5. awesome jokes you'll be able to make at his expense for the next 4 years.

    None of us will be able to afford food, let alone internet service.

  6. None of us will be able to afford food, let alone internet service.

    That's bipartisan, zrm.

    Remember my petition? I never got enough signatures, but the White House has followed it, to the letter.

  7. I'm from Bain Capital and I'm here to help (send your jobs overseas.)

  8. That's bipartisan, zrm.

    Speaking as someone who was a recipient of ARRA funds on a couple of projects, no it's not; not completely.

  9. I remember 2009, like it was yesterday.

    Shall we compare this to what the banks got? I mean, are still getting?

    Of course, the too-big-to-fail banks that broke the economy had to give up something for all that cash. I just can't remember what it is...Oh right, the risk of being put on trial for their crimes.

  10. He is a handsome man though and just think of all the awesome jokes you'll be able to make at his expense for the next 4 years.

    If he wins, I'm moving into an apartment above your garage so I can be your "Fonzie". "Ayyyyy, Mrs. C!" I can do that.

    None of us will be able to afford food, let alone internet service.

    Bronies will have to draw their My Little Pony porn on cave walls.

    Remember my petition? I never got enough signatures, but the White House has followed it, to the letter.

    Obviously, he received the message loud and clear.

    I'm from Bain Capital and I'm here to help (send your jobs overseas.)

    Your pockets will be emptied as you exit the workplace!

    Speaking as someone who was a recipient of ARRA funds on a couple of projects, no it's not; not completely.

    ARRA funds? Do they fund piracy?

    Of course, the too-big-to-fail banks that broke the economy had to give up something for all that cash. I just can't remember what it is...Oh right, the risk of being put on trial for their crimes.

    They gave up the burden of regulation.

  11. let me modify that: my 'business' is a sole proprietorship, to all intents an purposes. What the ARRA managed to maintain was my ability to avoid bankruptcy. Perhaps I should feel regret that I was more focused on that than the political ramifications of rich fuckwads three worlds away from me.


  12. ARRA funds? Do they fund piracy?

    I know you are trying to defuse things with humor, but to be clear, let's not call it the 'stimulus' which Luntzian Republicans have already criminalized, but let's use the real term, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Which actually lived up to its name.

  13. I blogged about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act a while ago. I hate how the Republicans took the money for their states and decried the "porkulus". I hate even more how nobody in the "librul" media called them out on it.

  14. OK, I admit to being a bit sensitive on the whole thing.

  15. Don't sweat it, old chum. I know you've had a hell of a day. I've had a hell of a day too.

  16. I think my supply of snark just ran out. And my Acme brand Snark won't be here til Saturday. NOT TO MENTION my Gravity Ceases to Exist If You Are Temporarily Unaware of It kit. DAMMIT.

  17. My last paycheck was deposited in January, 2011.

    I'm interested in knowing what happened. And the evidence shows we've been lied to, over and over. And it's still going on.

    What George Carlin said was right.

    Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard working people, white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about…give a fuck about you! They don’t care about you at all, at all, at all.

    President Hope and/or Change, and his Administration of right-wing opportunists, proves it again and again.

    It saddens me to see the excuses people dream up for President Drone Strike.

  18. It saddens me to see the excuses people dream up for President Drone Strike.

    OI am sorry that you feel sad that I recognize that something his administration did benefited me and others.

    But I did not dream up the checks.

  19. I've had a few of my American friends asking me if they can move in if the Republicans get back in.

    The garage is yours though. IF you promise to let me ride on the back of your motorcycle Fonzie. :P

  20. It saddens me to see the excuses people dream up for President Drone Strike.

    It's not an excuse, it's a recognition. If something got done that helped you out that's the nature of politics.

    It's not wrong to point out the various crimes and fuck-ups either: I remember being completely appalled by Bill Clinton and the triangulation - and not about blowjobs - but people seemed to eat that shit up.
