Saturday, May 26, 2012

Busy Weekend

This weekend will be a busy one for me and my co-workers- we have our major spring fundraiser going on all weekend. Yesterday, I put in a sixteen hour day and while I'm only working eight hours tonight, one of my counterparts is putting in at least twelve hours (I would have relieved him after eight hours, but another of our sites was rented out for a cocktail party, and I have to be around to make sure things go smoothly). Still, things are not as crazy as last year when I juggled my college reunion and the spring fundraiser. I also figure that there won't be a lot of web traffic over the weekend, so I decided not to put up a substantial post that I have been working on 'til Tuesday.

I'll be working outside all day tomorrow, so tomorrow's post will be set up tonight when I have a moment after the caterers, all nice people I have worked with on numerous occasions, pack up.


  1. I can remember wanting to have me some "Til Tuesday" hair, back in the day. My Mum wouldn't let me, of course (thank gawd!).

    I keep forgetting that it's a long weekend in The States. We had ours last weekend.

    I hope that work is enjoyable. :)


  2. Good luck!

    Wouldn't you know it- when I had to run around outside before the event, it was pouring buckets of rain. Now that I'm inside, it's not bad out. Friggin' Northeastern Weather, how does it work?

    I can remember wanting to have me some "Til Tuesday" hair, back in the day. My Mum wouldn't let me, of course (thank gawd!).

    Hey, at least it's not a mullet!

  3. Sadly, I do believe I sported a mullet at one time....

  4. Yesterday it turned hot and humid in Ohio. Probably just a matter of time for youse in N.Y.

  5. I always get the feeling that you like your job. It's a nice thought; so few people do.

  6. Sadly, I do believe I sported a mullet at one time....

    I bet you looked cute even with a mullet.

    Yesterday it turned hot and humid in Ohio. Probably just a matter of time for youse in N.Y.

    It happened.

    I always get the feeling that you like your job. It's a nice thought; so few people do.

    I enjoy it. I came to the conclusion years ago that work should not feel like a kick in the balls. I work in beautiful locations with great people. I can't complain.
