Friday, April 13, 2012

Dong Dysfunction

Pity poor Kim Jong-huey, he had a problem getting his dong up. Of course, when one wants to strengthen one's grip, what better way to do so than to test one's dong? Poor Kim Jong-un, he'll never be the equal of his old man when it comes to dongs. If Kim Jong-il had to do it all over, maybe he would have appointed Kim Jong-louie or Kim Jong-dewey... maybe the family history of successful long-range dong tests would have been secure.

You shamed the family dong, little Kim!

Whoa... in a sort of bizarre synchronicity, I just discovered that Lil' Kim has recently recorded a single with a Korean singer with the stage name Se7en:

Far out... maybe watching that video would help Kim Jong-un get his dong up.


  1. Yeah... I confess... I clicked over merely for the post title. :)

  2. Oh hush--Kim Jong-un just unveiled a perfectly serviceable sea-life frightening device. Take that, aquatic oppressors!

  3. Yeah... I confess... I clicked over merely for the post title. :)

    Filthbot engage!

    Hey, where's the Viagra ad?

    It was in the embedded video.

    Oh hush--Kim Jong-un just unveiled a perfectly serviceable sea-life frightening device. Take that, aquatic oppressors!

    He had a bad run-in with a sea cucumber as a child.

    Take that, fish!


  4. Dong Dysfunction

    I really, really hate it when there is nothing to go with my Ding!

  5. K-POP! Be ready.

    You live near Koreatown, don't you? You must hear some serious bubblegum pop in your neighborhood.

    I really, really hate it when there is nothing to go with my Ding!

    If you keep using it to hit a bell, there's no wonder it won't work.

  6. If I can't use it to ring her bell every now and then, then it may as well be broken.

  7. You must hear some serious bubblegum pop in your neighborhood.

    Just on the tee vee. There's at least one all K-Pop channel.

    Most of the immediate neighbors are into Spanish stuff.
