Sunday, January 29, 2012

One Week, Two Wakes

The charcoal grey suit has been getting a workout lately... in the space of a week, I've attended two wakes. So far this year, I've been to three wakes (the father of a friend died three weeks ago). It's been a rough year, but one can't get morose. Remember the lives, celebrate with the living... that's the best way to cope.

The old charcoal grey suit could use a break, though.


  1. Of course you will miss those that have gone from your life but yes... life goes on.
    You will smile again. :)

    From what you have told us of them, they touched your life in such a way that you will never forget. That says a lot about them.

    My hope is that happy things come into your life. You deserve them.


  2. :( I really hope that 2012 gets better for you, and soon.

  3. 2012 will get better for you.
    Or I will pummel it.
    Hang in there friend.

  4. Yep put the suit away, firmly, and have a spleen sammich and some nice beers.
