Saturday, January 21, 2012

Finally Feeling Like Winter

It's been a weird winter here in the New York metropolitan area- a mix of warm days (50's Fahrenheit (that would be around 10 Celsius) and some bone-chilling days (teens in Fahrenheit, about -10 Celsius), but no snow until today. We received more snow during Halloween weekend than we have all winter. While that snow was a heavy, bough-breaking slush, what's falling now is a nice, light powder.

Uncharacteristically, my scheduled volunteer classes don't start until around ten A.M. I had planned on leaving for the volunteer gig directly from work, and then sacking out on a spare mat in the dojo for an hour or so, but I'm going to take a "wait and see" approach... I may have to let the Manhattan-residing coaches handle today's classes. I imagine attendance will be light because of the precipitation.

That being said, there was a lot of hype for this storm , probably because last winter was brutal, and the region's transportation adminstrations were largely caught unprepared. I think the MTA will be on top of things this time, but still, I'll have my ear glued to the radi-adi-o for up-to-the-minute information about the travel situation.


  1. We don't have very much snow here either. At least, not a lot for us. (I live in the snow-belt)

    Yesterday and the day before we're frigging cold (-18) and tomorrow is supposed to be +9! Very strange winter.

    I hope you make it to your class. I'm sure all the hot Mummy's love watching you help out their offspring. :) I know that's why I'd stay. :P


  2. I'll say. Doesn't look like the Honda Civic will make it out of the driveway today.

    Very pretty outside, though. I have pictures of 3/4 of my usual suspects pecking at the suet with a nice snow roof over their heads. (The nuthatch made its appearance before I set the camera up.)

  3. we got another 5-6 inches last night, so we're up to a foot or so.

    So far, I am staying ahead of the shoveling, even getting the sidewalks before the dumb old college students get it all packed down.

    it is supposed to creep above zero tomorrow. (you'll BOTH be pleased to know, Laura and B, that I am in the habit of setting all my weather-related information to Celsius. It makes more sense in this climate to use freezing as a reference point.

  4. I recently took a picture of frost because I didn't think we were gonna get any snow, but we've had a recent white-out. It was nice.

  5. I am in the habit of setting all my weather-related information to Celsius.

    Sounds better in Kelvin.

  6. the Weather Channel app doesn't have that as an option, Smut. As any fule kno.

    It also doesn't have an option for a Sanskrit keyboard.

    Technology fails us again.

  7. Doesn't look like the Honda Civic will make it out of the driveway today.

    It did, in fact. I used that "2" gear I hadn't tried before.

    Bought some fresh cat food for the stray (he's been eating all the old stuff that I put out, but the 'sell by' date of 2004 seems a bit much).

  8. It also doesn't have an option for a Sanskrit keyboard.

    Of course ZRM means a Devanāgarī keyboard, he said pedantically.

    Substance McG will now remind us that the Devanāgarī script is an abugida rather than an alphabet.

  9. Snow in Van. is GONE, mud remains. Love the song ZRM!

    w/v: fackeg - Scot. slang for "pour me another one Jimmy"

  10. Totally lost here. Really, what is this stuff?

  11. Of course ZRM means a Devanāgarī keyboard, he said pedantically.

    yeah, thanks for that. I would hate to get detail wrong on a Bastard comment thread.
