Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tic Tac Totalitarianism

Some right-wing lunatics are convinced that the "Occupy Wall Street" hashtag is a stylized swastika (I'll be damned if I'm going to link to Pajamas Media). Yeah, bet you never knew that the "#" sign was all Hitlery and shit. In fact, children are being indoctrinated into liberal fascism every time they play a common children's game. Yes, dear readers, now the truth can be told about tic tac totalitarianism!

On a serious note, the whackaloons who are accusing the "Occupy Wall Street" movement of antisemitism conveniently omit the fact that a Yom Kippur observation at the protest drew hundreds of participants- once again, the facts don't back up the allegations.


  1. You could link to the discussion at Whiskey Fire.

  2. Mr. Bastard is an innovator. This incident would be the funniest for some time, probably since Sasquatch Is Real. I like the way that The Other Zombie gets more and more defensive as the comments pile up.

  3. You could link to the discussion at Whiskey Fire.

    I actually wrote this around 7AM, then set it to post while I slept off my graveyard shift.


    I'm still steamed about not being the first to write "Ozymandumbass".

    Mr. Bastard is an innovator.

    I need a "neologisms" tag- hell, I need to tag my posts.

    You can even link Little Green Footballs, now that Charles seems sane.

    I'm not going to honor that slimeball with any traffic- he was a shitbag for a very long time, and did a lot of harm. He's not redeemed himself in my estimation. He needs to do some serious penance before I'll have a shred of respect for him.

  4. It was news to me that turning a symbol through 45 degrees so it stands on a corner -- as the Hakenkreus is shown on its corner in some but not all Nazi regalia -- is the tell-tale transformation of Nazification. The equivalent of playing music backwards or turning symbolism upside-down into a Black Mass.

    Has someone pointed out to this nimrod that issuing a brassard to event marshalls is not enough to turn the event into fascism, even in Goldberg land?

  5. [explainingvoice]
    Usual Nazi iconography was to use the standing-on-corner version of the Hakenkreuz for land-based flags and the unrotated sitting-on-edge version for naval ensigns.

    Both versions are equally Nazi.

  6. So the OWS people are LAND NAZIS!!! The worstest kind!! Wet your pants for your lives, people!

    Exactly correct about Chuckles Johnson 4B. He got some heavy shit to get rid of.
