Monday, September 5, 2011

So, You Do Your Best to Undermine Me, And You're Shocked That I Spurned You?

There's no butthurt like GOP butthurt- after a concerted effort on the part of Republican lawmakers to get rid of collective bargaining by unionized public employees, Wisconsin Republicans are upset that unions are banning them from Labor Day parades. In response to this rejection, congresscritter Sean "Struggling on $174,000/year (on the public dime)" Duffy had a nice little whining statement:

"Having walked in this parade in past years, Congressman Duffy was hoping that for a moment, we could set our differences aside and simply have some fun in a family-friendly event."

Yeah, just for a moment, forget that I've spent a good deal of effort trying to pauperize you. Damn, what a shitbag- he wants to be seen in a parade, because Americans seem to enjoy them, he wants to participate in Labor Day events because everybody likes a day off, especially in the summer. Shit, laddie, you want to enjoy the perks of the office without answering to your constituents for your awful policies. Next time you hear a conservative talk about "Personal Responsibility", feel free to hit them with a shoe. These lackwits always seem to want a free ride.


  1. This is your problem, B^4: you're too nice. Period. Hit them with a shoe? I'd rather drop and anvil on them. As long its from Acme. They're the only producers of quality anvils.

  2. It's true.

    I don't pay enough attention to matters medical, but I seem to recall a connection between a lack of empathy, an inability to see others as having the same value one sees in oneself, and textbook sociopathy. Or was it psychopathy? Or both?

  3. As a grad of the Old Skool, I prefer beating on the brats w/ a baseball bat.

  4. Socio. The psycho is the one who beats on people w/ bats.

  5. Poor Sean Duffy.

    Perhaps he should just resign from Congress if he can't scrape by on the salary.

  6. I'm sure we can outsource the job for half the money and twice the quality.

  7. They're the only producers of quality anvils.


  8. This is your problem, B^4: you're too nice. Period. Hit them with a shoe? I'd rather drop and anvil on them.

    Have you ever seen my shoes? A size 12E steel toed shoe isn't that different from a small anvil.

  9. Nothing says "sense of entitlement" like expecting permission to march in someone else's parade, as a right.
