Friday, September 30, 2011

The Land of Make Believe

I just read that Glenn Beck is going to feature a children's show on his new "fleecing the rubes" venture. Glenn Beck is known for his whimsical voice characterizations, and should appeal to small children without discriminating tastes. I guess Glenn Beck can be described as a right-wing Uncle Floyd, only without the talent. At least there will be an alternative to the leftist propaganda disseminated by Sesame Street.

I look forward to such skits as "Bert and Ernie Are Filthy Sodomites Who Are Pushing the Gay Agenda Down America's Throat" and "I'm Just a Bill, From A Koch Brothers' Shill". It's time the children learned the truth about America, and not the namby-pamby stuff put out by dope-smoking lefty loons, with their Negro music and factual content:

Here's a good (though depressing) modern take on the old classic:

It'll be interesting to see how this pans out- children can smell bullshit from a mile away, so they'll probably suss out the warped content of this crapfest. Now they'll have one more reason to dread visits to their right-wing grandpa's house.

Special nod of the naked noggin to the good folks at Rumproast, who bring the funneh as well as the righteous anger.


  1. As long as he uses his "Hippie that's going to cure cancer" voice, I'm in.

    Now *THAT* my friend, is talent. :)


  2. Here's a good (though depressing) modern take on the old classic:

    Good, but entirely too optimistic.

  3. Are there gonna be ANY kids watching this shite besides the home-stupided ones?

  4. As long as he uses his "Hippie that's going to cure cancer" voice, I'm in.

    It's too bad he can't cure cancer with his tears, because he sure cries a lot.

    Good, but entirely too optimistic.

    I fear you're right, old chum!

    Substance McGravitas said...

    Hmm... looks like a good start for a blog post...

    Are there gonna be ANY kids watching this shite besides the home-stupided ones?

    Well, kids who are obsessed with gold will watch it.
