Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Good Day, But Rough

Today we had one of our major fundraisers at work. After getting a whopping five hours of sleep, I got ready for a ten-and-a-half hour workday. Of course, this meant filling up a cooler with plenty of cold water, because I had to be outside for the duration of the event, and the weather was uncharacteristically muggy for late September (when I have a bad hair day, you know it's humid). I basically do whatever needs to be done, under the rubric of "event logistics"- I lugged stuff around before the event, ran around during the event, and dotted the i's and crossed the t's after the event. I have to confess, my eight-hour speed stick gave up about two hours into the day.

That being said, I had a great time- I spent some time with some co-workers I don't see very often, some vendors I enjoy working with, and a good deal of visitors I see a few times a year, and have come to like immensely. Yeah, I often joke that I'm not happy unless I'm getting my ass kicked, so I was on Cloud Nine all day. Now, I'm just about to lock up, having just entered my hours into the payroll system. I'm covered with a fine patina of salt, even though I drank a gallon of water throughout the day. I need a half-hour power shower when I get home.

It's a good dry-run for October, our major fundraising month, when I'll be working long, strange hours under hectic conditions. At least I won't be sweating like a habanero-chomping horse so late in the fall.


  1. I played golf with a friend from collage an hour east of here today. It was cold and raining when I left (purrfect day for golf!) and poured most of the way there.

    But the weather was completely different an hour east. Needless to say, I was sorry I wasn't wearing shorts!

    Good to see you had a fun fundraiser.

  2. You know what you need?

    An evening out, like at the Bell House, watching aging anarcho-art-punk upstarts play several sets of genre-spanning music encompassing over three decades.

  3. It was hot here this weekend too. I'm in South Central Ontario so, I'm guessing our weather is quite similar.
    I hate humidity. H.A.T.E. I.T.

    I do love connecting with great people. So even though the work and weather were "kicking your ass", it sounds like a good time. :)

    I trust you're all hosed down and smelling better today. :)


  4. I played golf with a friend from collage an hour east of here today

    If the thunder don't get ya, the sand traps will!

    Needless to say, I was sorry I wasn't wearing shorts!

    When in doubt, wear shorts- I typically start wearing them in March, and stop wearing them in October. I always bring a change of clothes to work- in the summer, during the outdoor events, I can wear them, but I usually wear slacks on a regular day, until everybody else leaves, then I change into gym shorts or sweats, depending on the temperature.

    An evening out, like at the Bell House, watching aging anarcho-art-punk upstarts play several sets of genre-spanning music encompassing over three decades.

    Even suggesting a night off in October would land my ass in deep, deep doo-doo at work. As much as I love the Mekons, I love not living in a van by the river.

    I hate humidity. H.A.T.E. I.T.

    You and me both, my dear! You and me both. I hate feeling like a grubby, sweaty puddle of goo.

    I trust you're all hosed down and smelling better today. :)

    Fresh as a daisy!
