Thursday, August 18, 2011

Uh, Dude, Your State Is Dying

Texas dumbfuck and corndog fellator Rick Perry has some lies to tell about global warming/anthropogenic climate change:

Of course, the East Anglia University e-mail "scandal" is clearly overblown bullshit, but the right wing media continues to push the story.

Of course, Perry's ignorance or mendacity regarding climate change would not be so repellent if his home state weren't in the grips of a warming trend and a deadly drought. Who you gonna believe, the guy with the nice hairdo and the overly large phallic snack, or the mute testimony of dessicated fish? If Perry's denialism weren't bad enough, his let God figure it out approach to problems is terrifying... we need a candidate who can be serious for a second, we need help, and Perry ain't it.

Sorry, Corndog Rick, you may be a Tea Party favorite, but that Texas tea's not looking too appetizing.


  1. you may be a Tea Party favorite...

    One L, Goodhair, and the Grifter...exhibits a, b, and c for the proposition: teabaggers deserve all the mocking they get, and then some.

  2. Even dessicated, always trust the fish.

  3. O fish, are you constant to the old covenant?

    Return, and we return, keep faith, and so will we...

  4. Texas dumbfuck and corndog fellator Rick Perry

    I think there should be a law that if you refer to Rick Perry as anything other than this, you have to get spanked with a rod, and not in the good sexy way. Or maybe you should just have to watch every Justin Bieber video ever made...on a loop.

  5. In Texas, if you have Earl Gray tea for breakfast, there's a good chance it has a guy named Earl in it.

  6. That denialists don't seem to notice that the only "scientists" making $$$ on climate science are the ones working for oil co.-established outfits is just ... typical.

    WV: subsp

    Did he use your restroom?

  7. Ahh, the e-mail "scandal" It doesn't matter that it has been debunked a 1000 times. They heard it on Fox and Rush and golldarnit, THEY wouldn't lie to ME! How does that saying go, "A lie will travel halfway around the world before the truth finishes wiping its ass in the morning."

  8. Yeah, thank dog that kind of crap prevented George Bush from becoming President....

  9. O fish, are you constant to the old covenant?
    Return, and we return, keep faith, and so will we...

    Someone's been reading 'Declare'.

  10. Should there be a day of prayer for Rick Perry's brain?

  11. Prayer is what done killded Rick's brain.

  12. This guy scares me. Because, unlike the Grifter, he's serious.
