Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Too Soon to Snark?

Yeah, I know the people of Vermont are still reeling from Irene's aftermath, but can't a fella snark?

With the Vermont flooding, the worst since 1927, one can only hope that evidence of a hostile alien presence will come to light, much as it did in the 20's:

The whole matter began, so far as I am concerned, with the historic and unprecedented Vermont floods of November 3, 1927. I was then, as now, an instructor of literature at Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, and an enthusiastic amateur student of New England folklore. Shortly after the flood, amidst the varied reports of hardship, suffering, and organized relief which filled the press, there appeared certain odd stories of things found floating in some of the swollen rivers; so that many of my friends embarked on curious discussions and appealed to me to shed what light I could on the subject. I felt flattered at having my folklore study taken so seriously, and did what I could to belittle the wild, vague tales which seemed so clearly an outgrowth of old rustic superstitions. It amused me to find several persons of education who insisted that some stratum of obscure, distorted fact might underlie the rumors.
The tales thus brought to my notice came mostly through newspaper cuttings; though one yarn had an oral source and was repeated to a friend of mine in a letter from his mother in Hardwick, Vermont. The type of thing described was essentially the same in all cases, though there seemed to be three separate instances involved - one connected with the Winooski River near Montpelier, another attached to the West River in Windham County beyond Newfane, and a third centering in the Passumpsic in Caledonia County above Lyndonville. Of course many of the stray items mentioned other instances, but on analysis they all seemed to boil down to these three. In each case country folk reported seeing one or more very bizarre and disturbing objects in the surging waters that poured down from the unfrequented hills, and there was a widespread tendency to connect these sights with a primitive, half-forgotten cycle of whispered legend which old people resurrected for the occasion.
What people thought they saw were organic shapes not quite like any they had ever seen before. Naturally, there were many human bodies washed along by the streams in that tragic period; but those who described these strange shapes felt quite sure that they were not human, despite some superficial resemblances in size and general outline. Nor, said the witnesses, could they have been any kind of animal known to Vermont. They were pinkish things about five feet long; with crustaceous bodies bearing vast pairs of dorsal fins or membranous wings and several sets of articulated limbs, and with a sort of convoluted ellipsoid, covered with multitudes of very short antennae, where a head would ordinarily be. It was really remarkable how closely the reports from different sources tended to coincide; though the wonder was lessened by the fact that the old legends, shared at one time throughout the hill country, furnished a morbidly vivid picture which might well have coloured the imaginations of all the witnesses concerned. It was my conclusion that such witnesses - in every case naive and simple backwoods folk - had glimpsed the battered and bloated bodies of human beings or farm animals in the whirling currents; and had allowed the half-remembered folklore to invest these pitiful objects with fantastic attributes.
The ancient folklore, while cloudy, evasive, and largely forgotten by the present generation, was of a highly singular character, and obviously reflected the influence of still earlier Indian tales. I knew it well, though I had never been in Vermont, through the exceedingly rare monograph of Eli Davenport, which embraces material orally obtained prior to 1839 among the oldest people of the state. This material, moreover, closely coincided with tales which I had personally heard from elderly rustics in the mountains of New Hampshire. Briefly summarized, it hinted at a hidden race of monstrous beings which lurked somewhere among the remoter hills - in the deep woods of the highest peaks, and the dark valleys where streams trickle from unknown sources. These beings were seldom glimpsed, but evidences of their presence were reported by those who had ventured farther than usual up the slopes of certain mountains or into certain deep, steep-sided gorges that even the wolves shunned.

Bernie Sanders has got to be in on the plot- his support of single-payer healthcare is a ploy to weaken the American people, softening us until we all fall prey to the alien menace and end up with our brains in jars. Oddly enough, with our brains removed, we'd be more likely to vote Republican... Damn you, Sanders, for coming up with such a convoluted, counterintuitive scheme!

Of course, other extraterrestrial threats are being downplayed by the mainstream media. Yes, the media and all those pointy-headed science-talkin' folks don't want you to know about the giant killer planet masquerading as a comet, or is that a spaceship? Sure, the establishment types say the comet is breaking up, but that's what they want the sheeple to believe! Hell, the media even refuses to cover what the queers are doing to the soil.

I have to post a link to this video, because it contains the beautiful admission: "MY MAJOR ERROR HAS OPENED THE DOOR TO SOME TROLLS." Damn, that's one of the great realities of the internet, innit?

POSTSCRIPT What we need is for an intrepid young reporter to investigate extraterrestrial activity in Vermont.


  1. Of course the Pawtuxet is a long river which winds through many settled regions abounding in graveyards, and of course the spring rains had been very heavy; but the fisherfolk about the bridge did not like the wild way that one of the things stared as it shot down to the still waters below, or the way that another had cried out although its condition had greatly departed from that of objects which normally cried out.

  2. A brain in a jar.

    Sadly, after they sold out & went metal.

    P.S.: Your first link is wonky, as are several of the others. Is an eldritch menace preventing us from seeing them?

  3. Cthulhu for President!

    Why settle for the lesser evil?

    Smut brings the pulpy goodness- an essential quality.

    A brain in a jar.

    A brain in a jar.
    Thanks for the heads up on the broken links.

    never too soon to snark, son.

    Great minds think alike, so do ours!

  4. I have a mind?

    O yeah, I have several in the crisper bin!

  5. I would just like to reassure everyone that even though I was offline for several days, there was nothing sinister involved. It was absolutely not due to some eldritch abomination being awakened by the storm surge and wreaking havoc across the Ocean State. Everything is just fine.

  6. Smut brings the pulpy goodness

    I am shocked, shocked that anyone could describe 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" as pulpy.

    HPL did come back time and again to "flooding from unseasonal rains" as a plot device for washing things out from caves that were meant to remain unknown.

    Which reminds me, have you ever read The Watcher? (not as Lovecraftian as the title might suggest).

  7. I am shocked, shocked that anyone could describe 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" as pulpy.

    Should I have said "salty"?
