Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not Out of the Soup Yet

I reported for work almost twenty-six hours ago, fully prepared for an utter shitstorm... which I got. I was able to take a break from twelve noon to four o'clock in order to take a nap and a shower- basically to claw my way up the evolutionary scale*, like the protagonist of a Clark Ashton Smith story in reverse trajectory.

Oddly enough, the wind seems to have picked up, though the rain has abated. We have small branches down, but the bulk of the damage to the site has been through flooding. Of course, the big problem now is the presence of slack-jawed gawkers pulling into the parking lot and asking stupid questions. People, stay the fuck home! Honestly, some people need a beating my tired, sore ass just isn't up for administering at this time. Here, take a rain sunshine check, and come back some other time so I can give you a whallop in the melon.

My relief should be here by 9PM, and I think I'll spend tomorrow aestivating. The company picnic will be on Tuesday, and I imagine I'll have a lot of tales to tell to co-workers who haven't been here over the last couple of days.

*Yeah, I know it's a bullshit concept, and that evolution is not a hierarchical process with the pinnacle of creation being a straight, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant male, but work with me, people!

UPDATE: Wow, fifteen more minutes before my relief comes. I desperately need a hot shower and a cold drink, and about fifteen hours of sleep. I'm beat, and I am at the end of my clean clothes allowance- I changed clothes over this thirty-hour stint more than Lady Gaga does at a typical concert (the shirt I wore yesterday afternoon is still damp!). Damn, damn, damn, it's been a rough time.


  1. Honestly, some people need a beating my tired, sore ass just isn't up for administering at this time.

    When you're too beat to beat: GUNS!!

  2. That would definitely get my ass fired, and probably land it in jail- at least I wouldn't need a job if I were in jail...

  3. You know what they say...out of the soup and into the fryer.

  4. Have a good rest, dude. You deserve it.

  5. Sounds like a whole lot of not fun.
    Glad you are ok, though.
    Hope you got some rest!!

  6. As the Rude One said, more stories to tell in the pubs.

    After sleeping, of course.

  7. Happy belated birthday, Jack Vance!

    Damn, some jobs are just a major pain in the ass..

    Mine isn't one of them, with rare exceptions.

    Hope you got some rest!!

    Slept from 11PM to Noon!

    As the Rude One said, more stories to tell in the pubs.

    Ya got that right!

  8. Glad you slept dear man.

    Not meaning to say you have a shitty are dedicated and bad times call for folks to step up when they are in certain jobs or positions. ;-)
