Friday, August 5, 2011

Living in Interesting Times

It's been a hell of a week. I've been spending a lot of time scratching my glossy bald pate and trying to figure out just what the hell has happened. The financial markets are in disarray, the "full faith and credit" of the U.S. has been downgraded by one of the ratings agencies. Things are volatile, unsettled... I like excitement as much as the next person, but this is a bit too much- an occasional roller coaster ride is great, but I sure as hell wouldn't want one as a daily commute.

I have to confess that I've had a bit of writers' block, my online time has largely been spent trying to glean enough information to make some sense out of what the hell is transpiring. One thing's clear, we're living in post-prospertiy America. There's one consolation, just because we're pauperized, that don't mean that we can't dance. Here's an appropriate tune, by one of my all-time favorite bands, Gang of Four- as always, crank it, and this time, chug prodigiously from a Carlo Rossi weekend special while shaking your now-stricken ass:

Damn, gotta love that chunky bass line- Gang of Four was always a most danceable group of polemicists. The album Entertainment is a remarkable document of the late twentieth century, and, depressingly, holds up as even more topical now than it was when it was released in the late seventies.


  1. Oh ho!

    (Comments actually get kicked to the 2nd page once finally loaded, due to some bug when there's too many on a post. My comment is near the bottom of page 1.)

    You have excellent taste, Mr!

  2. Great minds think alike, and so do ours! I can picture a young Thundra, blasting this out the window of Stiles, fist pumping in the warm September Air.

  3. Of course, Gang of Four and The Mekons were all art students together, and shared LOTS of things during their early days.

    Also, FMUSA.

  4. Like you didn't expect me to chime in with Mekons content. And even though I have the Entertainment! Disc, inreally like 100 Flowers Bloom.

    As always , nice musical choice.

  5. You are--at least-- a lucky bastard, in that people actually comment on your music vids. What I wouldn't give...

    Now, what do you use to keep your head so glossy? Argon oil, some dimethicone-based product? SHARE YOUR BEAUTY SECRETS.

  6. Now, what do you use to keep your head so glossy?

    I typically use rendered chicken fat- cats love me.

  7. You are--at least-- a lucky bastard, in that people actually comment on your music vids. What I wouldn't give...

    Well, You've never posted Gang of Four videos.

    Say, I start to feel that comment was pointed at me.
