Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm Number One!!!

Well, I mentioned it in my last post, I am the number one Google result for the search term "unapologetic ass man". To compound my amusement, antipodean dreamboat and all-around good guy Another Kiwi ran a Yahoo! images search using the search term "unapologetic ass man" and the results made me laugh. Yeah, besides a Frazzetta sketch, ya got my big bald melon, some clip art, pictures of tulip tree leaves, and a thumbnail of... Jar-Jar?!?!? How'd he get there? Is he an unapologetic ass amphibian (ASSPHIBIAN)?

I may be the number one non-apologizing ass enthusiast in teh t00bz, but there's a guy who has a more theological approach to the subject of the hinder parts:


  1. Man, that Righteous Bubba guy was a laff riot. Wonder whatever happened to him?

  2. Wonder whatever happened to him?

    I'm pretty sure a sumo wrestler sat on him.

  3. Yahoo, Google, all the same...
    So long as you do not confuse Antipodean countries.

  4. Due to the search-history-personalised asspect of Google, I receive a page-full of scurrilous imagery from Leftwing Nutjob & M. Bouffant, but no tulip trees or bald melons. My sad, let me show you it.

  5. Wow. You learn something new every day.
    This post cracked me up.
    Hooray for B4!!
