Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tucker Carlson Was Always a Liberal!

How soon before the pundits claim that the Michele Bachmann migraine story was a hit piece by "The Far Left", even though it originated with Tucker Carlson's website? Yeah, the whole migraine story seems to be a disgusting attempt to undercut loose cannon Bachmann because she is overtaking GOP establishment candidate Mitt Romney.

Of course, Carlson's organization's attack on Bachmann will hamstring his attempts to woo the Tea Party contingent. Hopefully it will further fragment the right, and lead to infighting between the corporatists and the teabaggers. In the meantime, let's get one thing straight- Tucker's not a liberal, he never was... he's a trust fund baby who played at being a gadfly, but his true allegiances are revealed with his Bachmann hit piece. To those who want to shove his Conservative bona fides down the memory hole, CPAC attendance records say otherwise.


  1. Oh, right, the Tucker Carlson who said: Actually, I am objectively pro-France. You know, France blew up the Rainbow Warrior, that Greenpeace ship in Auckland Harbor in the '80s. And I've always respected them...
    Yep, that's a liberal talking. Those were days when people listened to what he said before they laughed at his hawkwhoring

  2. Hopefully it will further fragment the right, and lead to infighting between the corporatists and the teabaggers.

    I'm always incredibly cautious about being optimistic about things like this, but... I feel like as far as 2012 is concerned, that ship has sailed.

    That said, a lot could happen between now and November 2012. But I really don't see anything that could give the GOP a shot in hell against Obama. They've pretty much run out of superficially likeable politicians.

  3. Were you around for this episode?

    Yet another example of TC's extreme choadlumpery, made personal.

  4. Sure, he was the same way George W. was liberal. *eyeroll*

  5. choadlumpery

    I would like to take this word out behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

  6. Sure, he was the same way George W. was liberal. *eyeroll*

    VS gets it... how about a gajillion Koch dollars?

    They've pretty much run out of superficially likeable politicians.

    But... but... Romney's got great hair!

  7. The term "Trustafarian" comes to mind.

    He worships the Flying Portfolio Monster?

  8. It is clear that the migraine story was planted by Bachmann herself, to combat persistent rumors that her brain was misplaced years ago.
