Sunday, July 31, 2011

Auf Wiedersehen!

My brother, his wife, and their sons will be flying back to Zurich this evening. Today, we'll hang out at the Ancestral Homestead in the Bronx with an assortment of cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends. I'm going to miss the family, but we had a great time together for the past two weeks. So, to all the fambly, Danke Schoen:

I, uh, have to confess that I used to think that Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and Danke Schoen were sung by the same person for a long, long time. I just learned that I was partially right, but the prospects of setting up a date on the telephone with a twenty-something Brenda Lee and having a twelve year old Wayne Newton answer the door would be quite the freakout...