Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bon Voyage, Mom

Today, mom flies to Europe for a two week vacation, traveling to Denmark, Scandinavia, and northern Germany. Her itinerary originally included a stop in Estonia, but that portion of the trip has been cancelled. It's too bad, because an Estonia trip would have given my Latvian readership (97 pageviews, baby!) an opportunity to visit their northern neighbor and hang out with mom. Riga readers, I'm sorry mom won't be able to meet you for a black balsam. Also, because she'll miss the Estonia leg of the trip, mom likely won't have an opportunity to hang out with the first pop star to emerge from the Vacuumslayer entertainment conglomerate:

Now, about the Denmark leg of the trip... any brainy Danes out there who could give mom tips on which akvavit to drink? Truly, ég segja þú, my go-to schnapps is svarti dauði.


  1. any brainy Danes out there who could give mom tips on which akvavit to drink?

    If it hasn't crossed the equator twice in a shipping container, it is no good. The Danes have a different definition of good.

  2. I had to google that damn drink..but since it includes Vodka I bet I would like it. Before the bladder went south all I drank was skky vodka and I miss that afternoon drink..believe me I do, with all the political fuckery going on DC.

    The singer in the vid is quite pretty but all the background shit takes away from her song/vocals.

  3. The drink is called Black Balsam. For some reason my dumbass thought it included Balsamic Vinegar. Don't ask why..please. ;)

  4. Does mom have a camera?

    You hitting on my mom? That's D-KW's schtick!!!

    For some reason my dumbass thought it included Balsamic Vinegar. Don't ask why..please. ;)

    I blame the Skyy Vodka!

    If it hasn't crossed the equator twice in a shipping container, it is no good. The Danes have a different definition of good.

    Especially the antipodean Danes, if you know what I mean and I think that you do.

  5. If it hasn't crossed the equator twice in a shipping container, it is no good.

    Fish is referring to a Norwegian akvavit just to wind me up. Have to confess that I actually prefer Linie to the Danish ones.

    Aalborg Tafel is a good everyday-drinking akvavit... Jubileum is pricier and (as the name suggests) targeted as a special-occasion bevvie.

    I cannot recommend Malteser; it is actually concocted in Germany, and despite the name it contains no Maltese. Which is not intended as a knock on Germans. Bommerlunder akvavit is German and perfectly drinkable (though with a slightly different flavour, as if they are putting some mint in it along with the other herbs). Mind you, Bommerlunder is from Flensburg, just south of the border, which certain revanchist individuals might consider to be part of Greater Denmark anyway.

    There's a distillery on Bornholm -- that Danish island in the middle of the Baltic -- producing two fine akvavits. I rather like the Bornholmer 1855 Traditionsakvavit which is purely dill-flavoured, no caraway seeds.

    Damn, I'm thirsty now.

  6. In a few weeks' time I'll be in Copenhagen, en route to Oslo. Akvavit tasting notes may follow.

    In other news, I have just glommed onto a copy of The Fuller Memorandum. Pedantic notes as to inaccuracies in Stross's depiction of the real situation may follow, but probably not.

    Well on the way to curing the thirst.

    If yer mom visits Flensburg, the Hansens microbrewery is the place to get shitfaced.

  7. Fish is referring to a Norwegian akvavit just to wind me up.

    Ah, this was explained to be by a Norwegian, so that makes sense. They eat smoked sheep heads after all. It is kind of like eating a burnt sweater.

  8. In a few weeks' time I'll be in Copenhagen, en route to Oslo.

    Picking up your Nobel?

  9. I wish your mom a good trip, sir.

    If you really want to know what is good to drink there, I know a Dane or two and can ask. It might be a few days before I get feedback from my friends, though.

  10. First, I hope your mom has a blast.

    Second, DAMN, I love the look of that video. You have me nailed, sir.

    w/v is VERY APPROPRIATELY "ingas"

  11. Second, DAMN, I love the look of that video. You have me nailed, sir.

    I thought you directed it!

  12. Any news from your Mom? Using broken Akvavit bottles to fend off DKW?
