Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just in Time for Holy Week

I had pretty much forgotten about Andres Serrano's Piss Christ, so congratulations to the religious fundie loons who catapulted it back into the news. Since the attack took place in Avignon, I wonder if the ultra-conservative Catholics who mangled the print were followers of the Vatican or of the Avignon Papacy. At least the defenders of the faith didn't let their zeal inspire them to expand their crusade throughout southern France.

As a piece of advice to others wishing to display "heretical" art, without the interference of the orthodox, I hear the Bishop of Ximes is more sympathetic to such displays.

Oddly enough, there is a bar in the Soundview section of the Bronx called The South of France- the Yelp review is pretty funny, the poor bastard went in expecting haute cuisine and gave it a bad review. It's too bad, if he had stuck around, he would probably have been served complimentary morcilla by Maribel, the charming proprietress.

Since this post seems a little perfunctory, how about some video filling? Here's Belgium's Tueurs de la Lune de Miel singing about the charms of motoring through France, a goofy francophone response to Route 66 (WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS DISTURBING IMAGES OF UGLY PLAID JACKET):

UPDATE: I just want to add that the whole controversy over the "Mohammed cartoons" was similar to this little kerfuffle- I never would have seen these cartoons, drawn in a small Danish newspaper, if there hadn't been such a disproportionate response on the part of religious loons with their knickers in a bunch. Really, folks, get over yourselves. If you genuinely believe in an all-powerful, all-loving deity, why do you have to do something violent and stupid to protect it? Couldn't the omnipotent ruler of the universe handle its own shit?


  1. What is with you and bloody foods? Sheesh!

    That Yelp review was pretty funny, but it'd be funnier if I knew more about the place. What kind of food do they serve there...besides pork blood stuff?

    Re: Piss Christ...a disappointing work of art all the way around for me. Because, if I'm not mistaken, the artist is religious himself and did not mean for it to be blasphemous. Plus, it doesn't inspire anything in me. Not even disgust (re: the pee, not the religious aspects. I am unoffendable --made up a word!-- so far as religion goes). I'm like...*yawn*

  2. if the ultra-conservative Catholics who mangled the print were followers of the Vatican or of the Avignon Papacy

    No love for the Sedevacantists, or the Palmarians, or the other Concalvist groups?

    I see from the Whackyweedia that there are also the Integrists, who yearn for the good old days when anti-semitism was an integral part of catholic theology.

    There's something fascinating about these various groups of loons, all claiming that their form of made-up bullshit is more traditional and therefore superior to the made-up bullshit of the 2nd Vatican Council.

  3. Don't forget the whole Arian heresy of the Goths. Charlemagne really went after those shcismatics!

  4. What kind of food do they serve there...besides pork blood stuff?

    It's mainly a bar, but they will serve Puerto Rican bar snacks at times- fried plantains, and the like. I have to confess, it's been a long time since I've drunk there.
