Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He Can't Have It Both Ways*

So, let me get this straight... Mr. Ben Tripp wants me to poop my pants in fear, even though he made me laugh my ass off? The prosthetic ass that I use to allow me to wear pants does not have a sphincter to loosen with terror.

All ball-busting aside, here's a hearty high five to the multi-talented Mr. Tripp. Congratulations on the publication of your first novel. My copy of Rise Again has just arrived at the local Barnes & Nobel (I figured that I would make a statement by ordering it at a bricks and mortar operation- picking up the book in a public place could help to give it "legs"). Hopefully, the book will provide a sensitive portrayal of zombies, so as not to upset the Shambler-American community.

*Subtitled- I Have No Ass and I Must Poop (of course, this is meant as a parody, so fair use laws should keep the notoriously litigious Harlan Ellison at bay).


  1. I suspect the Shamblers will not be amused.

    It's not part of their shtick.

  2. He Can't Have It Both Ways

    Do you have him pegged?

  3. Do you have him pegged?


    As much as I dig the groovy Mr. Tripp, I don't dig him like that.

  4. I suspect the Shamblers will not be amused.

    It's not part of their shtick.

    I am still angry.
