Thursday, August 26, 2010

People- Muslims, Christians, and Hindus

So, the usual suspects are upset about the President's assertion, in his inaugural speech in January of last year, that the United States is "a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers." Of course, living in a multicultural pair-o-dice, I can't understand the outrage on the right that this statement has belatedly inflamed (yeah, I know it's a pre-midterm elections sham). I wish that the President would get a little bit more angry when addressing the bogus claims of his detractors. He should take a cue from these guys:

As some extra-special bonus stupidity, Beck excoriates the first lady for visiting the Alhambra during her vacation to Spain, completely oblivious to the fact that the palace has been a tourist destination for over a century (thanks, in large part, to this America-hater), and the inspiration for some of American literature's most beloved and influential short stories. Also, it has lent its name to numerous cultural institutions throughout our nation.


  1. Muslims and christians and hindus, oh my!

  2. Christian nation, B. Christian nation.

  3. I that the President would get a little bit more angry when addressing the bogus claims of his detractors.

    I wish he wouldn't let his team scapegoat "the professional left", also known as the people who have been right about everything.

  4. Beck excoriates the first lady for visiting the Alhambra during her vacation to Spain,

    Oh fer fucks' sake. Just when you think he can't go any lower....
