Monday, July 19, 2010

So, Let's See How Well This Converter Works...

Ran some posts through the "I Write Like" converter and got the following results... I write like:

Cory Doctorow (I don't know if he wrote about purslane)

Margaret Mitchell (I chuckled contemplating what she would have written about The Plasmatics... I'm picturing Rhett Butler telling Wendy O. Williams, "My dear, I'm too scared to tell you that I don't give a damn.")

H.P. Lovecraft (oddly enough, in one of those rare posts in which I didn't use HPL word par excellence "outré"- a BBBB fave)

Ray Bradbury ("The Bastard Chronicles" or "Something Bald This Way Comes"?)

David Foster Wallace (I think "I write like" is a jest, although not an infinite one)

Kurt Vonnegut (Frankly, I am flattered, even a little embarassed)

Spider Sense (sorry, Jennifer!) tingling, I decided to test "I Write Like" and popped one of HPL's most famous paragraphs, the opening to The Call of Cthulhu, into the converter, and got:

I write like Arthur C. Clarke.

Stupid "I Write Like"

ADDENDUM: In the "Wendy O. Williams" version of Gone With The Wind, Wendy herself burns down Tara.

CORRECTION TO THE ADDENDUM: In the "Wendy O. Williams" version of Gone With The Wind, Tara is made out of televisions, and Wendy drives a school bus through it, ensuing in its destruction.


  1. Kept getting HPL, but it was about David Frum, an eldritch horror if there ever was one.

    And who the eff knows what Margaret Mitchell typed like? I didn't even remember her 'til the GWTW reference.

  2. I probably really write like Jesse James wroted

  3. I tried Dr. Seuss, "Green Eggs and Ham" and got Raymond Chandler. I wonder if I'll get Dr. Seuss if I enter the opening paragraph from The Big Sleep...

    Nope... Raymond again.

  4. I tried Dr. Seuss, "Green Eggs and Ham" and got Raymond Chandler. I wonder if I'll get Dr. Seuss if I enter the opening paragraph from The Big Sleep...

    Sam Spade I am?
    Green Eggs and Gats?

    Of course, I blew the joke... I should have typed Gone With The Wendy.
