Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swampy Weather

Yesterday, I had a bad hair day- it was that gross out. I had to work outside in the evening, and a torrential downpour of short duration had done nothing to alleviate the humidity. It was the kind of day when one's eight-hour deodorant gives up four hours into the struggle.

As much as I dig swamps, it's nice to be able to leave for drier climes. Last night, I had no such luck. Adding to the swampy nature of the night, I was serenaded with the twang of a green frog, accompanied by the basso notes of a bullfrog, freed from the diurnal tyranny of a great blue heron which had taken up residence in their pond, and feeling their batrachian wild oats.

Inspired in part by Thunder's comment on my previous post, as well as the triple-digit heat index.

Funny, why don't the right-wingers mention this run of really hot weather? They sure made a big deal about the snowstorms this winter (which, ironically, were fueled by increased water vapor in the air due to, you got it, global warming), but they're strangely reticent now.

I'm used to dealing with this sort of weather in August, not late June. Now sit tight, and listen keenly to a brand-new weather-appropriate musical biscuit from the Specials:


  1. I always refer to that kind of weather as living in a dog's mouth... and it's the promise of that kind of weather ending that allows us to withstand Ethan Frome winters.

  2. I always refer to that kind of weather as living in a dog's mouth...

    That dog must have been licking his balls yesterday- UGH!

    and it's the promise of that kind of weather ending that allows us to withstand Ethan Frome winters

    The book came up in coversation at work yesterday- I work with a bunch of literary types. One young guy (still in grad school) hadn't read it- I'll loan him my copy so he can hang with the cool kids.

  3. We had that hot humid weather for the weekend.

    It rained on the crowd at Comfest, and everybody cheered because it was a relief.

    But Monday night brought cooler, drier weather (overnight lows in the 50s!) and my walk home from work was much more pleasant today.

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