Sunday, June 27, 2010

Morning Mulberries

In keeping with my "foraging" resolution (made last summer), I have been greedily stuffing my face with "feral" mulberries, which are plentiful in this area. Like the mighty silkworm, I have a gluttonous addiction for these things, dating back to my childhood, when my siblings and I would spend a good deal of time climbing a mulberry tree in our backyard, occasionally snacking on the incredible berries to be had:

The berries stain surfaces they contact pretty badly- better my sausage fingers than some poor sap's car:

Everything seems to be ripening early this year- the mulberries started ripening a couple of weeks ago (they never ripen all at once, so I'll have delicious berries for another week or two), and I actually saw some really early (but unripe) wild grapes this morning, and some pinkish staghorn sumac "berries". The wild raspberries look like they need another week or so to ripen.


  1. Wikipedia sez that "Unripe fruit and green parts of the plant have a white sap that is intoxicating and mildly hallucinogenic." Did you know that? I did not know that.

  2. It almost sounds like S.C. is suggesting the preparation of a beverage.

  3. The berries stain surfaces they contact pretty badly- better my sausage fingers than some poor sap's car

    So you climbed on the poor sap's car with your hob-nailed boots. Well done.

  4. So you climbed on the poor sap's car with your hob-nailed boots.
    Also, was he intoxicating and / or hallucinogenic?

  5. I wish I could forage here. Alas, no foraging to be had in Chicago.
    Must hit up the farmers market.

  6. I wish I could forage here. Alas, no foraging to be had in Chicago.

    You never know until you look- I found a mulberry tree on 4th Ave. in Brooklyn, right by the BQE.

  7. Did you know that? I did not know that.

    I know that now! Smut, you are what is commonly termed an "enabler". Thanks!

  8. Haven't seen mulberries since I lived in the East. But I have recently been thinking about our wild elderberries here in Southern CA, which grow wild in my neighborhood.

    When I lived in Seattle, I was a forager of blackberries (a fuckin' weed in those parts) and some neighborhood prune-plums that had gone feral.

    They made good wine.
