Friday, January 15, 2010

Be Still, My Beating Heart

Yeah, times are pretty bad, what with the maelstrom of horror and death that has engulfed Haiti, and the general bad tenor of politics at home, but one has to grasp at anything that increases one's joy, any thread that can be plaited into one's lifeline...

So, it's a pleasure to discover (via Darren Naish's wonderful "Tetrapod Zoology" blog):


Just saying that out loud makes me happy: PTEROSAUR.NET!

Pterosaur, say it soft and it's almost like squawking, say it loud and it sounds like you're rawking!

Yes, this is fantastic news, and PTEROSAUR.NET is sure to be a favorite site of mine, much like one of my perennial favorites, the wonderful Oceans of Kansas, which is run by the most excellent Mike Everhart.


  1. Provides professionally produced pterosaur art and photographs of pterosaur specimens

    I want to see movies!

  2. I would scan & animate the appropriate photo-sequences from Muybridge's Animal Locomotion, but the volume dealing with pterosaurs is very rare. The Miskatonic University library has a copy.

  3. I would scan & animate the appropriate photo-sequences from Muybridge's Animal Locomotion

    Muybridge's name came up at the last Secret Science Club lecture.
