Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Haiku Gambit

I am quite busy.
Pressed for time? Post a haiku.
The long post can wait.

I went through a short phase during which I compulsively wrote haikus. I would be in the middle of a conversation, and I would start counting syllables. One of my personal favorites was:

General Tso was
Too busy cooking chicken
To win any wars.

Update: Of course, the post title could be the first line of a haiku:

The haiku gambit-
A poet's trick for when there's
No time for sonnets.


  1. Seems to be a lot of this going around.

    I was all post at least every two days! this summer.

    But October is kicking my butt, in ways that Von and Aunt Snow seem to be sharing.

    If it was fun, they wouldn't call it work...

  2. To compound matters, I am at a site I only work at on occasion, and there's no wifi... I usually cut-and-paste sections of my posts, but can't really do this with a work computer.

  3. Is the state dessert
    Served up in Tuscaloosa
    Pie Alabama?

  4. Jetpacks meet choppers.
    Personal helicopters
    are what we all need.

  5. Stopped by to see what
    B4 wanted to say now
    Delighted I am

  6. Thunda is correct
    Too busy to post now too
    Still loves you all though

  7. I miss the old days
    When Haiku needed Kigo
    But Kigo's a stuffed up bitch who has pretentions, yo.

  8. Do I need to post Zombie Haiku again?

    I didn't THINK so.

  9. I love all you folks
    You make me laugh my ass off
    In this tough season.

    Felt compelled to include a kigo.
