Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It's 91 Degrees Fahrenheit here in the City of Y______. Of course, this does not break the record for this May 26, set (if I recall the weather report) in 2007. Obviously, this means that the Earth is now in the middle of a cooling trend.

It'll be short posts for the next couple of days- this afternoon will be spent working my Commerce Department job, and the next couple of days will be 9 AM to Midnight slogs at the other job, the really cushy (except when it's not) one. Oh, well, it's the season for special events, so long days come with the territory.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Hot here as well. According to Dr. Jeff Masters at Weather Underground, this year will be very high in hurricane activity.

And then there's the added wild card of huge oil spill in the Gulf with toxic dispersants mixed in.

Vonnie said...

Jeebus, man, what exactly is this other job that you work eleventyhundred hours a day?

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Jeebus, man, what exactly is this other job that you work eleventyhundred hours a day?

If I told you, you'd be jealous- it's really cushy 95% of the time, this is just the 5% for a few days.

Vonnie said...

If you told me, would you have to kill me?
Are you a superhero?
I can keep a secret....