Last year, the narrative concerning the Teabaggers commonly alluded to the deluded as a
sleeping giant, newly awakened by the prospects of Obamacare (isn't it awesome how healthcare reform is now inextricably linked to the President? Talk about scoring an "own goal"). Well, in folklore, giants are usually portrayed as vicious and none-too-bright:

I know, technically Saturn is a Titan, but SHUT UP, THIS IS CENTRAL TO MY POINT!!!
Where was I? Oh yeah, giants are typically vicious and none-too-bright:

Well, luckily, giants tend to be laid low easily by a well-placed blow from a
Inspired by the Sadlynaughts. I hadn't included them in my blogroll, thinking that a
Big Bad Bald Bastard small fish such as myself couldn't drive traffic to their site, but I owe them a debt of gratitude, because the S,N! community inspired me to start this endeavor.
Giants: The Not-Very-Well-Hidden Menace?
The mountaintop-removal mining in Appalachia is actually a secret camapaign to out the bergrisar menace.
I never thought I could drive traffic to their site, but sometimes I can give a person a lift on my bicycle.
P.S. I know I had a link for this, but it's lost in the toobz.
yeah, teh S,N community is frequented by decrepit architects and lewdatural podiatrists.
Sleeping Giant State Park is pretty amazing.
I also used to love to bike to the top of East Rock.
Good times!
Goya. Pretty damned good, BBBB.
As far as sleeping giants go, I kind of like Gulliver. he at least let the little guys keep him down.
the bergrisar menace.
Early in his career, Emil Nolde painted a series of mountains-as-giants paintings to be published as postcards, but I can't be arsed searching out images right now.
Goya. Pretty damned good, BBBB.
It's not just black beans, artist-formerly-known-as-g!
Early in his career, Emil Nolde painted a series of mountains-as-giants paintings to be published as postcards, but I can't be arsed searching out images right now.
Wish you were here... IN MAH BELLY!!
Nobody goes to Sadly, No! any more. It's too crowded.
Speaking of AWESOME, I love that your wiki link for Mjöllnir is ALLCAPS. Know what word usually gets the ALLCAPS treatment over at S,N!?
golfclap on the veiled PENIS reference.
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